Nature’s friend in deeds,
not words

About 95% of our production waste is recycled and gets returned to people as various paper products. When you order from Printall, you can be sure that your publication does not burden the environment.

We are serious about environmental protection

All our printing and finishing equipment uses a waste collection system that catches practically every unused paper strip and trimming for recycling. We collect 300 tons of paper waste for recycling every month.

Our environmentally sustainable operations have not gone unnoticed. Printall was awarded the Recycler of the Year award by the Estonian Ministry of the Environment and waste management company Ragn-Sells. And we received the Nordic Ecolabel from the Nordic Council of Ministers.

Printall holds FSC® and PEFC certificates, attesting to our contribution to thinking green in the printing industry:


FSC® Chain of Custody is a certificate of compliance with monitoring and product production process requirements issued to companies that through their operations support environmentally friendly, socially just and economically viable management of world’s forests. Please consider ordering FSC certified printed products. We follow the FSC Core Labour Requirements.


PEFC Chain of Custody (CoC) is a certificate indicating compliance of the supply chain with monitoring and production process requirements issued to companies that through their operations support environmentally friendly, socially just and economically viable forest management.

Green Choice

Printall cares about the environment also when it comes to providing its printing equipment with electricity: GREEN CHOICE certificate confirms that we use only electricity from 100% renewable energy sources.

ISO 14001

ISO 14001 is an international environmental management system standard.
The certificate ensures to the customer that the company actively works on decreasing environmental impact resulting from its operations, products and services.

Nordic Ecolabel

The Nordic Swan Ecolabel, established in 1989, is one of the most successful environmental labeling systems for denoting green products of Finland, Denmark, Sweden, Norway and Iceland. Printall was permitted to use the Nordic Ecolabel in September 2010 in recognition of the fact that our production process consumes as little energy as practicable and our chemicals create as few environmental problems as possible. We are proud to have the right to mark all our printed products with the Nordic Ecolabel, which reflects positively not only on us but on our customers.


Printall is the first ClimateCalc certified heatset print house in Estonia.   is a tool for calculating the carbon footprint of both the printing company and a specific print job.

This enables us to issue internationally recognized evaluations of the emissions of specific print jobs. Based on these evaluations, the emissions can be compensated for. This results in a fully climate neutral print job.